All Concerts are hosted by Arts on Alexander
on the campus of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, 2111 Alexander Ave, Austin, TX 78722
Concerts begin at 7:30pm on Friday and 3:00pm on Saturday
There are no pre-concert lectures, but short talks are interspersed into the live performance
If you purchase a ticket for one performance, you may attend either performance if your plans change
We video record all concerts. These are privately released to all ticket purchasers on YouTube two weeks after the in-person performance.
Bach in English
Friday, April 25, 2025 at 7:30pm
Saturday, April 26, 2025 at 3:00pm
In this concert, we explore the challenges and opportunities of performing Bach’s vocal works in English (a practice Bach very well could have approved, being a Lutheran whose teachings emphasized the Word being offered in the vernacular).
We begin with two pieces sung in both German and English. Rev. Nathaniel Biebert, a Lutheran pastor and an expert in Reformation era German, will provide us with unique translations which will demonstrate the surprisingly complex issues surrounding effective English translations.
After this enlightenment, we will perform the greatest arias by Bach for soprano and baritone. We will sing some in English and some in the original German. Discover for yourself how this glorious music best speaks to you.
Gitanjali Mathur, soprano, and Gil Zilkha, baritone/bass are featured.
Purchase Tickets for this concert here.